- B.S. 1967, Delaware
- Ph.D. 1971, Stanford
Awards & Honors
- A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow 1975-77
- National Institutes of Health Career Development Award 1975-81 MERIT Award 1988-98
- J. S. Guggenheim Fellow 1978-79; National Lecturer and National Award for Excellence and Leadership in Biophysics
- Biophysical Society 1994; Fellow, AAAS 1995
- American Chemical Society - North Jersey Section, Sister Marian José Smith Excellence in Education Award 2000
- Fellow, Biophysical Society 2001
- Member, editorial advisory boards of Biopolymers and Biophysical Reviews
- Associate Editor, Annual Reviews in Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure, 1994-2003
- President, Biophysical Society, 2002
- International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, Vice President 2005-08