The High Field NMR Facility houses a dedicated solids spectrometer with a 14.1 T magnet (600 MHz 1H Larmor frequency) on which we have 75% usage and an 18.8 T magnet (800 MHz 1H Larmor frequency) on which we have 25% usage. Each instrument is equipped with a BCU-II cooler for VT control.
The 600 MHz spectrometer is equipped with a PhoenixNMR triple resonance (1H/19F, X, Y and lock) variable-tuning 1.6 mm rotor diameter 8-40 kHz MAS (magic angle spinning) probe. On the 800, we have a Bruker 0.7 mm rotor diameter dedicated 1H, 13C, 15N triple resonance probe with MAS capabilities of 40-111 kHz.
Our wetlab has a full suite of protein chemical biology equipment and chemicals, including:
- Beckmann-Coulter Ultracentrifuge
- Eppendorf R5810R Centrifuge
- Nano-Drop UV-Vis
- PCR Thermal Cyler
- Shaking Incubators
600 MHz PhoenixNMR Quadruple-Resonance Probe
- 8-40 KHz MAS
- Rotor diameter: 1.6 mm
- Channels: H/F, X, Y, 2H Lock. X and Y tunable to frequencies between 40-600 MHz.
- VT Range: -50o - 60o Celsius
800 MHz Bruker Triple-Resonance MAS Probe
- 40-111 KHz MAS
- Rotor diameter: 0.7 mm
- Channels: H, C, N, 2H
- VT Range: 0o - 120o Celsius