The Romsted Group - Research
Ion Specific Effect on Gemini Surfactants
Effect of food emulsion properties on the distribution and activities of antioxidants
Investigating a possible phenyl nitrate formation using isotopic labeling techniques
Isotopically Labeled 2,4,6 Trimethyl Phenol is being characterized by using a mixture of H2O18/ H2O which is analyzed using
- GC/MS sprectroscopy. Selective Ion Mass spectroscopy is being used along with Gas Chromatography to see isotopically labeled ions.
- Distillation
- Vaccuum Distillation
Image Citation: CSID:11464157, (accessed 19:47, Sep 21, 2012)
Effect of salt on CMC of SB3-14 (test by TA)
This research aims at investigating the effect of TMABr salt on the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of purified N-tetradecyl-N,N dimethylammonio-1-propanesulfonate (SB3-14) zwitterionic surfactant.